We believe wellbeing is for everyone, which is why we are launching the Sincerely Health platform to help our customers eat, live and feel better, all while rewarding healthy choices with grocery coupons and discounts.
i. Eat Better: Learn about mindful eating and lifestyle diets and choose foods that support your needs.
ii. Live Better: See how behavior and lifestyle choices can impact your health. Define your goals, track progress via connected devices, and gain actionable insights.
iii. Feel Better: Manage prescriptions and refills, stay up to date on vaccines, and connect virtually with healthcare providers, all from the enhanced pharmacy experience.
iv. Get Rewarded: Receive grocery coupons for actions like creating an account, linking your pharmacy account, and more. You can also earn Healthy Points for progressing through goals and completing other healthy activities, which can be redeemed for more grocery discounts
v. Get Peace of Mind: Your information is protected and secured. Please see our Privacy Policy and HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices to learn more.