Test & Treat - Flu, Strep Throat, and Covid Near Me

Feeling sick? Let’s rule out a few things. Stop by the Albertsons pharmacy for test and treat services you can trust. Once you know if it’s strep throat, the flu, or COVID-19, you can get treatment quickly and get one step closer to feeling better. For COVID-19 treatment, you can test at home and bring in your positive COVID-19 result or pick up one of our over-the-counter COVID-19 tests and get tested conveniently in-pharmacy. 

Flu Test and Treat

Strep Throat Test and Treat

*Flu, strep throat and COVID testing and treatment available in CO, ID, IL, MT, and VA only. Online appointment scheduling is only available in ID, MT, and IL.

**Information provided solely for convenience based on CDC guidelines. Not intended as medical or healthcare information or advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider, such as your pharmacist, regarding your vaccine and healthcare needs.

When is flu season?

What's in the flu vaccine? 

How long does flu shot protection last?


Frequently asked questions about Strep, Flu and Covid testing and treatment

**Information provided solely for convenience based on CDC guidelines. Not intended as medical or healthcare information or advice. Please consult with your healthcare provider, such as your pharmacist, regarding your vaccine and healthcare needs.